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Alice Hamilton Centennial Celebration

Alice Hamilton was a pioneer in the field of occupational health alicehamiltonconference, Illinois ERC. alice hamilton centennial Celebration in the United States. She was the first female faculty member at Harvard, and lived at Hull House in Chicago for nearly four decades.

The year 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of the Deneen Commission Report, which was a set of recommendations for preventing occupational illnesses in Illinois. The Deneen Commission was charged with determining the extent of occupational illness in Illinois by defining and finding poisonous occupations and gaining access to those workplaces.  Alice Hamilton was the lead investigator and principal editor of the Report made by the Commission. To celebrate this centennial anniversary, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn designated September 13th “Alice Hamilton Day” in order to recognize her contribution to occupational health and safety over the last 100 years.

alice hamilton centennial Celebration, Illinois ERC On September 13th, the Illinois ERC and the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences division at the University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, hosted a program in an effort to reflect on Alice Hamilton's contribution, and examine the future of occupational health in the United States. Below you'll find the program agenda with links to the presentations given during the event.

For those who were unable to attend, we're pleased to say that the program was recorded and is available here. Please click on the links below to view the videos.

Introduction  Lorraine Conroy, Director of the Illinois ERC and Professor in Environmental and Occuapational Health Science division at the UIC School of Public Health
What Alice Hamilton Did for Occupational Health Christopher Sellers, Associate Professor, Department of History, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Curriculum for Taking up the Cause of the Working Class: The Education of Alice Hamilton Leslie Nickels, Office of Health Communication, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Panel Discussion

Myra Glassman, Chief of Staff/Secretary-Treasurer, SEIU-Health Care Illinois Indiana Missouri Kansas

Robert Safe, Principal, Safe Technology, Inc.

Jorge Ramirez, President, Chicago Federation of Labor

Linda Rae Murray, Chief Medical Officer, Cook County Department of Public Health, Cook County Health & Hospital System

Michael Connors, Regional Administrator, OSHA Region 5

Check out the rest of the pictures from the event here.